Monday, August 23, 2010

Dedication and Revelation

We spent the weekend over at my folks'. They had their new home dedicated, and had invited a small group of friends from church over to witness the event. Pastor J and Pastor D led the crowd in the dedication of the new house and the re-dedication of our family.

My mom thought it would be a good thing to re-dedicate the kids as well. So she saw it fit to include that in the program. She asked me if I wanted to say anything, and of course I declined. Not because I didn't want to say something, but more of because the people there were their friends (I only had J and her fiance over to help with the photos, since I didn't have a nanny over the weekend to watch RL). And of course this group of people didn't know a thing about my life. Well maybe a handful did, and knowing my parents, they don't willingly give out any information. I mean, it isn't anything to be proud of, right?

So Pastor D, who happens to be my pastor, prayed over the kids, and prayed for me, too. I must admit I was a tad hesitant to do this since I am sure the people at the party were wondering why my family was having my kids dedicated when their dad wasn't around. And I am sure there were some putting it all together in their minds while the dedication was going on.

Right after the kids' dedication, Pastor J called me over. Take note that Pastor J doesn't know anything about my story. I've met him twice in the past, I think, and they were fleeting hellos, nothing else. So I was surprised he had something to say to me.

He told me that while they were praying for me, he saw a vision of empty medicine capsules. He didn't know what that meant to me, but that God was showing him that I may be feeling empty inside and that our lives may be hollow or that I may be feeling that what I am going through right now is without purpose... but then, he says, God has a plan for me and that one day, He promises to fill us up and take away the pain. He promises to heal my hurt and the void in the kids' life.

Wow. I was in tears after that.

What an answer to prayer! I have been asking God each morning for purpose. Each morning, when I am in my quiet place, I ask Him for direction.

And this Saturday, I finally got my mission order. :) What a revelation! Thank you, Lord!


  1. "I mean, it isn't anything to be proud of, right?"

    Of the little that I know of your life, there is already so much you can be proud of, Kaye! Don't let anyone (or yourself) tell you otherwise.

    My take on the medicine capsules--the Lord is going to fill you with so much that not only will you heal, but you will heal others as well.

    Or, it could mean you're going to own a giant pharmaceutical company. Puede rin! Hahaha!

    --Stalker Me

  2. I agree with the above comment! As I read your blog, parang na feel ko rin ang vision na nakita ni pastor J sa iyo and I believe God is using you to touch other lives.

    Your life is an inspiration to others . God bless you more.

  3. I guess God needs R to go through so much for him to be used to minister to others later on. Nothing's too hard for the Father. I know someday, you and R will even minister to families who need healing. Claim na natin with thanksgiving. Victory is on our side. Love you Mare!

    Go ako sa pharmaceutical company idea. Haha!

    -J ng buhay mo

  4. oh, friend! you life is something to be proud of. you came out of the storm a stronger, even more beautiful person!


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