Lately though, with RL most especially, I find it safer to just hum. My little boy doesn't like words in his lullabies. He tends to get up and sing along. LOL! So I just hum. And it lulls him to sleep.
So it was a blessing in disguise to discover this new Lull-A-Bye series from House of Praise! These are instrumental melodies of worship, praise and hymns that come with that soothing music box sound. Perfect for my little boy! I loved this series so much, I gave them to my cousin H for her little girl's baby shower, and she just loves the CDs, too! Her dad even wants them for his home! Think spa and relaxing. Yes, this set's a gem of a find!
Each CD is sold separately but the series has 3 different genres - Worship, Praise and Hymns (they actually also have one for Christmas, but that comes out during the -ber months only). Retails for P395 each, each CD is a steal for the peace and quiet it brings to the home.

...features the following songs:
How Great Is Our God
Blessed Be Your Name
I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever
Open The Eyes Of My Heart
Above All
Here I Am To Worship
God Of Wonders
Mighty To Save
Shout To The Lord

Lull-A-Bye Baby Praise
...features the following songs:
Your Name
Come Now Is The Time To Worship
Everlasting God
The Heart Of Worship
Holy Is The Lord
Friend Of God
You Are My King
Revelation Song
How He Loves
Come Now Is The Time To Worship
Everlasting God
The Heart Of Worship
Holy Is The Lord
Friend Of God
You Are My King
Revelation Song
How He Loves

Lull-A-Bye Baby Hymns
...features the following songs:
Amazing Grace
My Jesus I Love Thee
Be Thou My Vision
Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing
Just As I Am
Holy Holy Holy Lord God Almighty
Great Is Thy Faithfulness
What A Friend We Have In Jesus
I Surrender All
It is Well with My Soul
Do you want to win a set for your little one? Here's how:
1) Follow me on Twitter!
"I want to win a set of Lull-A-Bye CDs for my li'l one!" via http://nappykaye.blogspot.com #FirstWivesClub @nappyKaye
3) Add House of Praise Direct on Facebook. And post the following on their wall:
"I want to win a set of Lull-A-Bye CDs for my li'l one!" + your Twitter ID
And that's it! Contest ends on Friday, the 13th (eeps!) at exactly 11:59am. I shall have someone from the office pick out a winner via raffle at 2pm of the same day.
Winner will be announced via Twitter and on this blog.
Note: Winner must be willing to pick up prize from a House of Praise store.
Special thanks to House of Praise for this week's swag!
who won po?...hehe...excited!